AI Is Adding Personalization to Your Email Campaigns

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”– Stephen Hawking

As business processes continue to integrate machine learning, AI has already established itself within the core processes by allowing machines to perform tasks the way humans do. In addition to AI enabling solutions for us to be able to adjust to situations, AI software has become the advanced technology luxury for carrying out tasks in the best way possible.

Now, AI has proceeded to become one of the core components of marketing. Making AI marketing officially an aspect that will, later on, become the big thing. According to AI in marketing statistics published on Finance Online, 64% of B2B marketers say that AI is one of the major considerable factors in their sales and marketing strategy. An estimated 28% of the big performers of the industry use AI for marketing. Now, if these figures are not enough to convince you how valuable this newest technology is likely to be, then you need to see it for yourself.

8 Great Ways AI is making Email Conversions more Personalized

Here are some of the best ways you can incorporate AI in your traditional email marketing realms and make them ultra-modern. We present to you how AI can help you transform your email game in no time.

1.     Detect, Deliberate & Develop

Basically, the first question anybody would rightfully ask is, what is the role of AI in email marketing?

Do the two even fit? The answer is yes, they very much do. AI does not require constant data feeding. It is the computer’s way of using preprogrammed commands through trial and error. Thus, AI can easily figure things out for itself, given the information that pertains to:

  • Detect recurring patterns in data sets to focus on and which ones to ignore.
  • Deliberate upon attributes to provide with a rightful answer.
  • Develop and mature with each iteration by altering according to data being generated.

2.     The Convenience of Automation

One can’t possibly deny the convenience that comes with acquiring newer and upgraded technology. The same goes for AI-powered systems. It is possible to set up an automated campaign that is driven by the customer data input and detecting at what point of the customer journey the client is. The technology will make use of the data collected through past purchases, interests, demographics, and other browsing behavioural patterns to generate a completely automated email campaign tailor-made to drive leads.

3.     Sending out Tailor-made Emails

No more worrying about managing a large amount of data as AI can efficiently handle a lot more data for you. As you find more and more subscribers line up to receive your newsletters on a daily basis, the data will continue to grow and would require managing. In such a deliberate scenario that can rightfully arrive, AI enables marketers to focus on consumer behaviour for managing data to send tailor-made emails accordingly. For instance, if sending out an email inviting your clients to a new product model launch, there is a good chance that either your email would be overlooked, completely ignored or may even be received in large amounts. AI will help you detect this consumer behavioural pattern to decide upon how many people will actually show up to the launch event.

4. Smart Segmentation & Targeting

A knowledgeable marketer knows how important it is to understand that your audience members can be extremely diverse. And this is the reason why it is absolutely necessary to segment them wisely, categorize your data and send them different emails as per preferences. Segmentation like this can be a complex process given that many consumers fall under similar categories. Targeting a niche then accordingly can be even more complicated. AI and machine learning play a significant role in identifying the tiniest details to help you smart segment and target to send out emails accordingly. Sites like Accuratecite, Amazon and eBay apply the same tactic.

5. Essential Role of Big Data

Whether it is personalization or automation of the email marketing campaign, both wouldn’t be possible without the essential role that big data plays. It is not necessary to be a big corporation to integrate this concept. Email marketing has always been one of the most common and old school methods of marketing. But with other types pushing it backend taking the front seat, marketers struggle for making the email content worthwhile. Big data basically ease that struggle and allows you to stand out from the crowd.

6. Personalizing Promotions

Artificial Intelligence knows which promo works best based on the association of your customer’s history, interests, habits, and other aspects. It allows you to better personalize your promotional offers depending on what customer you are dealing with. For instance, a site that provides essay editing service would promote getting it done for cheap rates when it comes to students. However, the same site would promote higher quality and genuine pricing when it comes to professionals seeking their service.

7. Enhanced Consistency

AI would manage your email campaigns and keep you on track for optimum engagement and maintenance. It would be in your promotional favor to be as consistent as possible and even manage to follow up emails depending on the customers’ response to the campaign. Your email timings would calibrate, and customers would likely expect and be ready to receive emails at the given the time of day.

8. Discovering Newer Segments

Lastly, you would be able to discover newer market segments and cater to them accordingly. Manually we tend to leave out on the smaller details, whereas AI doesn’t. This helps marketers gain exposure in niches and fill gaps that were previously not being attended.

In Conclusion;

Artificial Intelligence is technically not just a fad that came over the last decade. It has been in the process of being continuously developed and perfected as newer technologies are introduced and get integrated. AI and machine learning might have gained their well-deserved popularity in the last ten year, but the upcoming ten years will be crucial as we see it gets incorporated in almost every aspect of our lives. Thus, it is better to have a command over the new updates already and utilize them for your own business advantages like email campaigns and other types of marketing.

From guest contributor, Amanda Jerelyn who is currently working as an Associate Editor at Essay Writers

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